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Campaigns (advertisers)
Natalya Yefimenko avatar
Written by Natalya Yefimenko
Updated over 9 months ago

A campaign includes a wide range of settings, with the help of which you can set up everything related to your offer on the target page (landing page).

In the campaign, you can let your publishers know, which traffic sources you want from them, which KPIs you have, as well as which contract terms you offer to publishers. Add different landing pages (tracking URLs) and creatives to let your publisher select the most appropriate one. Define desired goals for conversions and create payouts for each goal to control how much money you want to pay. Determine the list of allowed countries, OSes, and sub values you want to get clicks with. Set caps for clicks, conversions, or payouts in case your budget is limited. Finally, you can review the whole campaign and understand how it looks like for your publishers. Make it attractive for them!

Campaign provides flexible tools, which help you to regulate everything related with tracking of clicks and conversions. A correctly and accurately adjusted campaign is a key to high performance.

Campaigns on Reach

Campaigns list

Campaigns are located here: Campaigns.


  • 1: you can search for a needed campaign by its ID or title.

  • 2: you can add different filters by clicking Add filters and select the needed type of data.

  • 4: actions you can perform with a campaign:

    • Edit campaign: edit your campaign.

    • Edit note: add or edit a note, visible to you and the company members.

    • Publish: make the campaign active and visible to your publishers.

    • Pause: make the campaign paused.

    • Disable: make the campaign disabled.

    • Duplicate: create a copy of your campaign. A new campaign has the Draft status.

    • Preview: see how the campaign looks like for your publishers.

    • View statistics: see the statistics on this particular campaign.

    • Delete: delete the campaign. You can't cancel this action.

      A campaigns list:

    • Campaign: a campaign title.

    • Status: a campaign status.

    • Labels: a campaign label (if any).

    • Note: a campaign note (if any).

    • Privacy: a campaign privacy level.

    • Countries: first three countries which clicks are allowed from. Countries are taken from payouts. If there are no restrictions on countries, you see All countries.

    • Caps: the number of limits set up in a campaign. You can click the number and get to the Caps tab in the campaign.

    • Created: date and time when you created a campaign.

    • Activated: date and time when you published a campaign (made it active and visible for publishers for the first time).

    • Last update: date and time of the last update you made in a campaign.

    Campaign page

By clicking the campaign title, you can get to a campaign page.


Here you see basic information about a campaign:

  • Campaign Title: you can create a unique name for your campaign.

  • Logo: you can upload a logo for your campaign.

  • Description: you can write a description visible to your publishers. Reach provides a small set of edit tools.

  • KPI: you can specify the conditions under which publishers get paid for the conversions. Reach provides a small set of edit tools.

  • Contract terms: you can specify particular legal conditions of work with a campaign for your publishers. Reach shows them when you invite a publisher to work with a campaign, or when a publisher applies for a campaign.

  • Currency: you can select a currency which Reach uses for payouts in the campaign.

  • Preferred traffic sources: you can specify allowed traffic sources. Publishers see which sources you forbade or allowed. If a publisher sends traffic from a forbidden source, it doesn't influence tracking.

  • Preferred promotion methods: you can specify allowed promotion methods. Read more about promotion methods here.

  • Vertical: you can specify the veritcal here. Publishers may search campaigns by it. Choose the vertical related to the campaign.

  • Labels: you can add a label (tag) to a campaign. Labels allow grouping campaigns, so you can search for them easier and faster.

  • Note: you can add a note visible to you and campaign members.

    Tracking URLs

See information about tracking URLs.


See information about goals.


See information about payouts.


See information about caps.

Privacy & Security

Here you can regulate the campaign privacy and settings related to tracking security:

  • Privacy: you can make your campaign private or public. Read more about the campaign privacy.

  • Tracking: you can select a certain domain that will be used in the tracking links of your publishers.

  • Deeplinks: it's a specific link that allows redirecting users to a particular piece of web content. You can allow publishers to send clicks to a specific website page.

  • Security

    • Default status for conversions: a status which a newly registered conversion has. The conversion doesn't have a default status if there are reasons for Reach to reject it, or if a postback link contains a status parameter, or there is a hold period in the campaign.

    • Hold period: you can indicate a period upon reaching which a conversion gets the Approved status automatically. Initially, a conversion receives the Hold status, and the system blocks its payouts: you can't pay to your publisher. When the hold period is over, payouts become available for you to pay. In this article, you can find all the steps how to set up a hold period.

    • Maximum time to action: you can indicate a maximum period between click and conversion. If a conversion came after reaching the indicated time, it gets the Rejected status.

    • Minimum time to action: you can indicate a minimal period between click committing and conversion committing. If a conversion came before reaching the indicated time, it gets the Rejected status.

    • Secure postback code: an additional security anti-fraud measure: a unique code, which Reach adds to a postback link or to a pixel code. If a postback link or pixel code doesn't contain the secure code or contain an incorrect code, a postback with information about a conversion is declined. The system doesn't register a conversion based on this postback.

    • Forbidden macros values: you can specify values which you don't want to get from a publisher in a particular macro. Clicks with such value go to a trafficback link set up by a publisher. Clicks don't reach your target page.

    • Forbidden IPs: you can specify forbidden IP addresses. Clicks that came from such addresses go to a trafficback link set up by a publisher. Clicks don't reach your target page.

    • Reject proxies: you can forbid clicks made with the help of a proxy server to go to your target page. Such clicks go to a trafficback link set up by a publisher.


See information about creatives.


Here you can see how the campaign looks like for a publisher:

  • Advertiser details: your name, information about your company, and the name of the company's manager (your name, if you're a manager).

    • Ask a question: a publisher can ask you some question related to a campaign. You will receive a ticket.

    • View all campaigns: a publisher can view the full list of campaigns, that belong to you.

  • Landing pages: a short list of your tracking URLs.

  • Creatives: a short list of creatives you added to the campaign.

  • Description: a description of the campaign.

  • KPI: KPI of the campaign.

  • Details:

    • Session lifespan: a maximum allowed period between click committing and conversion committing.

    • Hold period: a period that a conversion needs to become approved automatically.

    • Countries: all countries which you want to receive clicks from. A publisher sees countries of all payouts.

    • OS: all OSes which you want to receive clicks from. A publisher sees OSes of all payouts.

    • Vertical: all verticals which you want to receive clicks from.

    • Goals list: a short list of goals with the amount of money paid to a publisher.

  • Preferred promotion methods: the full list of promotion methods.

  • Preferred traffic sources: the full list of traffic sources where a publisher sees allowed and forbidden sources.

Integration setup

Here you can adjust settings related to a tracking process (both clicks and conversions):

  • Fill the mandatory fields in the campaign: the section for checking whether all mandatory fields are filled or not.

  • Set up the integration: settings related to the process of conversion tracking.

    • Integration type: you can choose the integration type: a postback link (s2s) or a pixel code (c2s).

    • Postback link: the value you see in the field depends on the option you have in the Integration type drop-down menu. You can get this link to perform an integration test to make sure the integration is set up correctly.

      • a very postback link for your campaign.

      • a very pixel code for your campaign.

  • Perform a test click: the section for performing a test click.

    • Test tracking link: the example of the publisher's tracking link. You can get this link to perform an integration test to make sure the integration is set up correctly.

    • Test click result: the section for checking the clicks recorded for this campaign in the clicks list.

  • Track a test conversion: the section for tracking a test conversion.

What to do next

Please contact Affise Customer Support team regarding all raised questions via the e-mail: [email protected].

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