Pixel allows you to receive information about conversions from the target page, where an end-user committed a conversion. You need to get the JavaScript code provided by Reach and put it in the code of your success page. Once a conversion is made, you receive information immediately. You don't need a side server to receive conversions.
Before you begin
Set up a pixel code
Click Campaigns in the side menu.
Select a needed campaign you want to set up a tracking URL for, and click its title.
Proceed to the Integration setup tab and open the Set up the integration section.
In the Integration type drop-down, select JavaScript Pixel.
Use the Landing page pixel and the Success page pixel according to the instructions in the interface.
βAdd necessary parameters to the Success page pixel.
Optional. Add a secure postback code to avoid fraud on the conversion level. Do the following:
Optional. Add the status parameter to have conversions in a certain status. If you don't add the parameter, all conversions are registered in a default status you've set up in the Default status for conversions drop-down list on the Privacy & Security tab.
The Success page pixel example:
<script src="https://clk1.reachclk.com/sdk/reach.js"></script> <script>
advertiser_id: 2,
campaign_id: 253,
goal: 1,
status: 1,
sale amount:495.00,
secure: 43Isdfr3Fsf
What to do next
Please contact the Affise Customer Support team regarding all raised questions via the e-mail: [email protected].