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Basics of integration (advertisers)
Basics of integration (advertisers)
Natalya Yefimenko avatar
Written by Natalya Yefimenko
Updated over 10 months ago

Tracking is the process of monitoring data flow, recording data in databases, and supplying a timely ordered sequence of data for further processing.

Reach gives an opportunity to track:

  • Clicks: an act when an end-user clicks the ad and is redirected to the target page.

  • Conversions: a target action when an end-user performs some action in the target page.

Tracking of clicks

As an advertiser, you want to receive clicks and information about them from a publisher, then to send them to your target page.

Tracking of clicks consists of five stages:

  1. An end-user clicks the ads.

  2. A publisher receives a click and information about it on Reach.

  3. A publisher passes a click to an advertiser on Reach via a tracking link.

  4. An advertiser receives a click on Reach.

  5. Reach sends a click to a tracking URL set up by an advertiser.

⚠️ Tracking link is where a publisher sends clicks to (Reach internal link). Tracking URL is where an advertiser wants clicks to deliver (a target page).

In the tracking URL, an advertiser uses Reach macros to pass information and parameters of the external system to let it receive information.

Tracking of conversions

As an advertiser, you want to receive conversions and information about them, then to send them to a publisher further.

Tracking of conversions consists of five stages:

  1. An end-user performs an action on the target page.

  2. An advertiser receives a conversion and information about it either via a Reach postback link or a pixel.

  3. A conversion is registered on Reach.

  4. An advertiser passes a conversion to a publisher via a publisher's postback link.

  5. A publisher receives a conversion.

There are two ways of conversion tracking:

  • S2S (server to server or postback integration).

  • C2S (client to server or pixel integration).

S2S integration (postback)

S2S integration uses a Reach postback link, which is fired on a side server. The server sends conversion via this link to Reach.

In a Reach postback link, an advertiser uses their macros to pass information and Reach parameters to receive information.

πŸ”Ž On Reach, there are two ways to work with postbacks:

  • Via GET method: works by loading a URL with all the parameters in the query string.
  • Via POST method : works by submitting parameters in the head instead of in the query string.

curl --request POST \
--url \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'X-SECURE: Rdo9sd3PSm8HhdlH' \
--data '[
"clickid": "161f7df2983e42c0001e74c74",
"advertiser_id": 1,
"goal": 1
"clickid": "261f7df2983e42c0001e74c75",
"advertiser_id": 1,
"goal": 2

As you see in the example above, you can send several conversions in one request. You can also send secure code in the request header to avoid specifying each secure code in the request body.

C2S integration (pixel)

C2S integration uses JavaScript Landing page and Success page pixels you can find on Reach. Pixel codes automatically send a conversion and information about it once an end-user performs an action on the target page.

You may find this integration type useful if there is no opportunity to fire a postback link on a side server. Also, use it if you don't have a dedicated development team and sell your product on the website.

In a Reach pixel code, an advertiser uses their macros to pass information, and Reach parameters to receive information.

Conversion matching

Reach attributes conversion to a click with the help of a unique click ID. Each time Reach registers a click, it assigns a unique ID to a click. This ID is sent to the external system via a tracking URL. When Reach receives a conversion, this conversion already contains the click ID which it is attributed to.

In case of the S2S integration, an advertiser needs to receive a click ID in the postback link with the help of a dedicated parameter.

In case of the C2S integration, an advertiser places the Landing page pixel to the code of a landing page, and the Success page pixel to the success page. The click ID is recorded in a cookie-file and passed back to Reach in the code automatically.

Please contact Affise Customer Support team regarding all raised questions via the e-mail: [email protected].

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