A postback link allows you to receive information about committed conversion. You need to provide the link and your parameters, and to fill them in with Reach macros. Here you see the list of macros.
Postback macros
Macro | Description | Note |
{click_id} | Click ID |
{advertiser_id} | Advertiser ID | ID of an advertiser on Reach. |
{campaign_id} | Campaign ID |
{campaign_name} | Campaign title |
{landing_id} | Landing ID |
{creative_id} | Creative ID | ID of a creative used by a publisher in the tracking link |
{ip} | IP address* | IP address of an end-user, who made a click, which a conversion is attributed to. |
{geo} | Country code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2) | Country where a click, which a conversion is attributed to, came from. |
{city} | City | City where a click, which a conversion is attributed to, came from. |
{device_ua} | Device user agent | User agent of an end-user, who made a click, which a conversion is attributed to. |
{time} | Time of click committing (Unix) |
{date_only} | Date of click committing (yyyy-mm-dd) |
{time_petty} | Time of click committing (H:I:S) |
{adv_sub1} - {adv_sub4} | Data requested by an advertiser** |
{pub_click_id} | Click ID in your external system** |
{pub_unique1} - {pub_unique4} | Additional macros for extra data received from a click** |
{sub1} - {sub8} | Additional macros for extra data received from a click** |
{custom_field1} - {custom_field8} | Additional macros for extra data received from a conversion*** |
{comment} | Comment |
{status} | Conversions status**** |
{sum} | Payout amount | Amount of money paid to a publisher for a conversion. |
{currency} | Payout currency | Currency of amount of money paid to a publisher for a conversion. |
{conversion_id} | Conversion ID | ID of a conversion on an advertiser's side on Reach. |
{conversion_time} | Time of conversion committing (Unix) |
{conversion_date} | Date of conversion committing (yyyy-mm-dd) |
{goal_id} | Goal ID |
{goal_title} | Goal title |
{sale_amount} | Purchase sum (total) | Used for the revshare (percent) type of payment. |
{sale_discount} | Purchase discount |
{event_id} | Event ID (action ID) in the advertiser's external system |
* Partially hidden according to the GDPR policy.
** You receive this information only if you passed it to an advertiser via the tracking link (a shortlink).
*** You receive this information only if an advertiser got it first.
**** Available values:
1 - Approved
2 - Pending
3 - Rejected
4 - Hold
Please contact Affise Customer Support team regarding all raised questions via the e-mail: [email protected].