A tracking URL (a landing page) is a link to your offer, where you want to receive clicks. You need to use Reach macros to pass the data. Here you see the list of macros.
Tracking URL macros
Macro | Description | Note |
{click_id} | Click ID* |
{campaign_id} | Campaign ID* |
{campaign_name} | Campaign title |
{pid} or {publisher_id} | Publisher ID |
{publisher_name} | Company name of the publisher |
{ip} | IP address | IP address of an end-user, who made a click. |
{geo} | Country code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2) | Country where a click came from. |
{city} | City | City where a click came from. |
{device_ua} | Device user agent | User agent of an end-user, who made a click. |
{time} | Time of click committing (Unix) |
{date_only} | Date of click committing (Y-M-D) |
{time_petty} | Time of click committing (H:I:S) |
{landing_id} | Tracking URL ID |
{creative_id} | Creative ID | Creative ID passed by a publisher. |
{referer_url} | Click referrer | A full or partial address of the webpage, where an end-user made a click. |
{pub_click_id} | Click ID in the publisher's system |
{adv_sub1} - {adv_sub4} | Additional macros for extra data | You can ask a publisher for every type of data you want. |
* Mandatory macros.
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