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Statistics: Conversions (publishers)
Statistics: Conversions (publishers)
Natalya Yefimenko avatar
Written by Natalya Yefimenko
Updated over a year ago

On Reach, you have access to statistics on conversions, where you can see data on conversions, such as a unique conversion ID, the click ID which a conversion is attributed to, status, amount of money you earned, time between click committing and conversion committing, a goal, and so on. As a result, you can easily watch your performance on conversions level.

You can use filters by different data, hide or add them depending on your needs. The export is also available: you receive a .CSV file with all the information you see in a statistics table.

Statistics on conversions on Reach

Statistics on clicks are located here: Statistics > Conversions.


  • 1: you can select the time period which you want to see statistics for.

  • 2: you can search for a certain conversion ID.

  • 3: you can add different filters by clicking Add filters and select the needed type of data.

  • 4: a statistics table:

    • ID: a unique conversion ID.

    • Click ID: it is unique for each click.

    • Campaign

    • Advertiser

    • Status: a conversion status.

    • Goal title

    • Deeplink: a specific link that allows redirecting users to a particular piece of web content.

    • Payout: a sum of money an advertiser pays to you for a conversion. If there is a discount (see Sale discount), you see the final sum of money with the applied discount.

    • Invoice ID: the ID of the invoice, which contains the conversion

    • Sale Amount: a full amount of money (100%) in case of the percent (revshare) type of payment.

    • Sale Discount: the discount applied to a target action.

    • Click date: date and time of committing of a click, which a conversion is attributed to.

    • Conversion date: date and time of conversion committing.

    • Approved at: date and time when a conversion automatically got the Approved status if an advertiser uses the hold period.

    • Time to conversion: the time between click committing and conversion committing.

    • Country & IP: country, city and IP-address. The IP-address is partially hidden according to the GDPR policy.

    • OS

    • OS version

    • Browser

    • Browser version

    • adv_sub1 - adv_sub4: values you passed in those macros on a click level (if any).

    • sub1-sub8: values you passed in those macros on a click level (if any).

    • pub_unique1-pub_unique4: values you passed in those macros on a click level (if any).

    • pub_click_id: values you passed in those macros on a click level.

    • custom_field1-custom_field8: values an advertiser got via his postback link. If an advertiser didn't use these parameters in the postback link, you don't see any values in statistics.

    • Referrer URL: a click source, where it came from.

    • Comment: a comment, which the advertiser left for a conversion (if any).

Conversion page

You can see the conversion details by clicking its ID in the statistics table.

Please contact Affise Customer Support team regarding all raised questions via the e-mail: [email protected].

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