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Postback errors
Daria Mamchenkova avatar
Written by Daria Mamchenkova
Updated over 11 months ago

On Reach, a postback log allows you to watch the receiving of postbacks. If integration is set up incorrectly, the system declines the postback. You can find an error message in Logs > Postbacks log. Here you see the list of postback errors and their reasons.

Postback errors

Error message


How to fix

Internal error. Please address to support

An internal error has occurred.

Contact Affise Support team to solve the problem.

Internal error: invalid error code. Please address to support

An internal error has occurred.

Contact Affise Support team to solve the problem.

Click ID is missing

You didn't pass the mandatory parameter click_id via the postback link.

Pass the mandatory click_id parameter via the postback link.

Click not found

You passed an incorrect click_id value via the postback link.

Check the click_id value passed before, and add the correct one to the postback link.

Campaign not found

You passed an incorrect campaign_id value via the postback link.

Check the campaign_id value passed before and add the correct one to the postback link.

Campaign is not active

You sent the postback for the campaign with the Paused or Disabled status.

You can send the postback for the campaign with the Active status.

Secure code is not valid

You didn't pass or didn't pass the correct secure code via the postback.

Pass the correct secure code via the postback link (check it in Campaigns > Privacy & Security >

Security postback code).

Goal not found in campaign

You sent the postback with the goal that doesn't exist in the campaign.

Pass via the postback link the goal that exists in the campaign.

Campaign privacy error

You sent the postback for the campaign, which has the Private status.

You can send the postback for the Private campaigns if you are invited to work with them (check the privacy status in Campaigns > Privacy & Security > Privacy).

Conversion status is the same as received

You sent the same conversion status via the postback link that the conversion had.

Pass the conversion status that is different from the current one.

Conversion status is confirmed

You sent the postback to the conversion with the Approved status.

You can change only the conversions with the Pending status.

Campaign payouts not found

The system declined a conversion because it did not meet the campaign payouts settings.

Compare values of the conversion and values set in the campaign to understand which ones are not matched (check it in Campaigns > Payouts).

Campaign cap is reached, conversion is rejected

The system declined the conversion because the number of them exceeded the value set in the campaign cap.

Change the cap period so that the conversion could match the campaign cap settings.

Wrong time to action

The system declined the conversion, which came after reaching the time indicated in the Maximum time to action field, or before the time indicated in the Minimum time to action field in the campaign.

Change the minimum or maximum time to action set in the campaign (go to Campaigns > Privacy & Security).

Campaign mismatch

You sent the postback with the campaign_id value, which is different from the campaign for which the click was made.

Send the postback with the campaign_id value, which is the same as the campaign for which the click was made.

Please contact the Affise Customer Support team regarding all raised questions via the e-mail: [email protected].

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